theateronline: According to Theater Online, Qotboddin Sadeghi, the renowned Iranian playwright, translator, actor, and director, will stage his new play...
The poster of the short film “47:10:00”, directed by Serna Amini and produced by Hossein Soleimani, has been released to...
The members of the jury of the first "Ham Aghaz" theater festival were introduced. Citing the public relations of Shahr...
The director of the "Engineer Washing Close" show, referring to the features of this play, said that Iranian plays have...
Theater Online: While not his most elegant work, Tennessee Williams’s “The Night of the Iguana,” about a group of lost...
Theater Online: The show "Noah's Ark" written by Mahmoud Ahadinia, directed by Amir Ali Taghizadeh and produced by Parisa Baher,...
Theater Online: the play "Brave of the West" with the previous name "Liar of the west" directed by Reza Saghari...
Theater Online: Darren Criss and Evan Rachel Wood are the next Seymour and Audrey pairing of Little Shop of Horrors....
Theater Online: The show "Closet comedy man" designed, written and directed by Arman Tayaran, dramaturgized by Neda Salehnejad and produced...